As y’all saw in this post, I have a ridiculous amount of fabric. So, I’ve limited myself to buying only 10 yards for the rest of the year. Considering that I have a bazillion projects in the works, that’s a very small amount. I’ve already bought 3 yards to finish out a quilt for Peanut. So, 7 yards left. And I might use all of it on Sandi Henderson’s new line Secret Garden. It comes out in just a few weeks. Here’s my favorite colorway:

(image ganked from Sandi Henderson’s site)

In organizing all of my fabric, I realized how much of Sandi’s fabric I have. This definitely puts her at #1 on my list of fabric designers. If you’re interested in seeing the rest of her collection, you can find it at her blog here.

I have 2 quilt tops done that need to be photographed. I’ll try to get around to that…. which means that I have to clean up my office enough to hang them and take a picture. Yeah…. that may be awhile.